Water technology and horticulture are both innovative sectors, but they face also upcoming challenges on the reuse of water or materials, water management and legislation around water quality. Therefore, this event stimulates knowledge exchange and promotes collaboration between these two sectors to address challenges together and create new business opportunities.
What can you expect of this event?
- Insights in chances and challenges for water in horticulture
- Innovative examples
- Information on TKI Water Technology programme
- Possibility for networking
Are you working in water technology or horticulture?
This is the possibility to learn more about technological questions within horticulture or to find partners for new (research) projects. Do you have a question that you would like to bring forward or have an idea for a (research) project? Start on 21 April with networking around 4 concrete themes.
R&D and public sector
Interested in participation on TKI or MIT projects? Start the conversation with industry to discuss if there are knowledge gaps or chances to do research through (pilot) projects. On the other you can learn from the horticultural sector and discuss how this sector can contribute in solving future water challenges.
Draft Programme
13:00 Welcome by chairman
13:10 Agendasetting ‘Water in horticulture'
13:40 Chances within TKI-programme
13:50 Innovative examples
14:30 Theme tables: circular water use, internal water quality and recovery, reuse of fertilizers and horticulture solutions for water issues.
15.30 Closing
You can register through this link. Participation is free.
For questions, please contact:
Renske Verhulst (NWP): r.verhulst@nwp.nl
Jantienne van der Meij (Water Alliance): j.vandermeij@watercampus.nl