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Programme Management

NWP collaborates with Dutch ministries, embassies and other organisations to manage and implement large and medium sized subsidy programmes that benefit the Dutch water sector in the Netherlands and abroad. 

The programmes that NWP currently manages are highlighted below. If you wish to know more about what NWP offers in programme management and design, please contact us.

Irrigation and agriculture

Water for Food Programme

Water and agriculture are inextricably linked. Innovative water technologies and practices are key to improving the efficiency and productivity of water in agriculture, resulting in more sustainable food systems, and improved food security. The Water for Food Programme stimulates and supports the Dutch water sector and agrifood partners to develop business cases with an integrated approach to water for food.
YEP group picture

Young Expert Programmes

The Young Expert Programmes (YEP Programmes) consists of the YEP Water, YEP Agrofood, YEP Energy, and YEP Tailor-made by NWP. These programmes offer young Dutch professionals the opportunity to gain experience abroad and non-Dutch young professionals the opportunity to gain work experience in an international environment through Dutch organisations. In nourishing young talent and expertise, these programmes prepare the young experts and their respective sectors for the future.

Previous successful programmes

NWP has been actively involved in different governmental programmes in the past, such as the Water Support Programme and the Partners for Water Programme.

Although NWP is no longer involved in these programmes, it still has the relevant expertise and networks. If you are looking for opportunities abroad, NWP can help you access knowledge, contacts, networks, and financial institutions.