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Young Expert Programmes

YEP group picture
Vincent Cornelissen
Vincent Cornelissen
Programme Manager YEP Programmes

Young Expert Programmes (YEP Programmes) offers young professionals the opportunity to gain work experience in an international environment through Dutch organisations. Young Experts receive intensive training and coaching as part of the learning agility approach. YEP Programmes consists of YEP Water, YEP Agrofood, YEP Energy and a fourth separate pillar YEP Tailor-made by NWP.

Financial support for Dutch organisations investing in human capital

YEP Programmes offers financial support to Dutch organisations employing Young Experts in their international development aid and trade projects. Dutch companies, knowledge institutions and NGOs can submit project proposals three times a year for the deployment of Young Experts.

Both the organisation and YEP Programmes invest in the training and coaching of Young Experts. In doing so, the Young Experts get the opportunity to work in an international environment and the organisations can use their expertise.

Public-private partnerships

The YEP Programmes are public-private partnerships (PPP) involving the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Inclusive Green Growth Department (IGG)). The PPP in YEP Water includes the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP), in YEP Agrofood the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP), and in YEP Energy the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).  
YEP Programmes is coordinated by the YEP Programme Bureau, for which NWP is the lead agency. The YEP Programme Bureau executes, coordinates, and facilitates the implementation of the programme and manages the funds. NWP’s large network and strong connection with water, agrofood and renewable energy, help the YEP Programme Bureau continuously respond to the demands of these sectors.

Since 2013, through YEP Programmes over 800 Young Experts have been employed by 190 partners in over 50 countries. Investing in young people is one of the most sustainable investments you can make, showing a high long-term return.

Vincent Cornelissen

Programme Manager YEP Programmes

YEP Water, YEP Agrofood, YEP Energy and YEP Tailor-made by NWP

YEP Programmes consists of YEP Water, YEP Agrofood, YEP Energy, and YEP Tailor-made by NWP.

The thematic focus of YEP Water is:

  • efficient water management, especially in the agricultural sector
  • improved river basin management and safe estuaries and deltas
  • access to safe drinking water and sanitation (WASH).

The thematic focus of YEP Agrofood is:

  • eradicating hunger and malnutrition
  • promoting inclusive and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector
  • creating ecologically sustainable food systems.

The thematic focus of YEP Energy is:

  • decentralised energy access to affordable energy services for households, including clean cooking solutions
  • productive use of renewable energy for small and medium enterprises, farmers, and social institutions
  • innovations in technology, finance, and business.

YEP Tailor-made by NWP

  • Through YEP Tailor-made, NWP offers organisations who are not entitled to financial support the opportunity to purchase YEP Programmes’ unique training and coaching programme. NWP identified a need for this in organisations and programmes that cannot receive YEP funding for Young Experts. This may the case when entities already receive funding from the Dutch Government and thus cannot receive additional financial support from YEP Programmes, as piling up of subsidies is not permitted. Since there is a need for human capital in these projects too, NWP developed YEP Tailor-made. Several organisations, including WaterWorX, the Blue Deal and Dutch embassies, have already employed Young Experts through YEP Tailor-made.
  • In YEP Tailor-made by NWP, NWP uses the expertise and network built up in the YEP training programme. The training programme is based on the YEP philosophy which emphasises both individual and collective development, which are in turn applied in training mixed groups of Young Experts in different sectors. Further, networking and innovation are important aspects of the training. Young Experts in the YEP Tailor-made Programme are part of the activities of the YEP Global Network. In addition, all Young Experts in YEP Tailor-made are coached by professional YEP coaches.
YEP Tailor-made Training Programme in Kenya
YEP Tailor-made Training Programme in Kenya

Programme management by NWP

As the executing organisation, NWP is a neutral and independent authority in the water sector and a recognised and valued partner for international organisations. Our position as the pre-eminent networking organisation in the Dutch water sector enables us to stimulate the sector to embrace and further explore opportunities across sectors. Our internationally oriented culture and wide and growing network make NWP the first point of call for organisations in the Netherlands seeking expertise and partnerships internationally. This places us in a unique position to manage the YEP Programmes.

YEP Programmes is coordinated by the YEP Programme Bureau, and NWP is the lead agency behind the Bureau. The YEP Programme Bureau coordinates the implementation of the Programme and manages the funds. The responsibility of the Bureau includes, but is not limited to:

  • acquiring organisations that apply for Young Experts
  • assessing proposals of organisations applying for a Young Expert
  • recruiting and selecting Young Experts, and ensuring the best professional match
  • developing and coordinating the training and coaching programme for the Young Experts
  • Young Expert alumni management
  • offering current and alumni Young Experts to take part in events and supporting them in their activities
  • managing the YEP Global Network, e.g. organising hybrid events
  • managing the Programme subsidy and the reporting process related to it
  • conducting surveys and gathering Young Experts’ stories
  • monitoring and evaluating the Programme.

Submit a proposal

Dutch organisations operating in developing countries and emerging markets can submit a proposal for the deployment of a Young Expert. YEP Programmes offers financial support to Dutch organisations employing Young Experts.

For more information, visit www.yepprogrammes.com.