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What are you looking for?

Contact us

NWP is centrally located in The Hague and has its seat in the Unie van Waterschappen (Association of Dutch Water Authorities) building. Our office is a meeting point for our employees, members, the Dutch water network, and international partners.


NWP: your gateway to the Dutch water sector

Are you looking for the most entrepreneurial and innovative companies in the international water sector? Do you wish to seek advice from the most renowned knowledge institutes or highly committed NGOs? Or do you want to partner up with experienced governmental agencies to help solve your water-related issues? Get in touch with us at the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP).

Team and contact

Our dedicated team is always happy to meet and greet individuals and organisations interested in collaborating with the Dutch water sector. Meet our team and reach out to the colleague whose role best suits your interests and/or questions.

A general question? Do contact our support team by email (info@nwp.nl) or telephone (+31 70 304 3700) and they will bring you in touch with the right person to progress your request.

You can also reach out to us on social media through the corporate Twitter (@NWPnederland) and LinkedIn (NWP) accounts.

Visiting address

Netherlands Water Partnership

Koningskade 40

2596 AA The Hague (in Dutch: Den Haag, sometimes spelled ‘s-Gravenhage)

The Netherlands  

Need directions? See the map and route

Public transport and parking

Our office is a pleasant 20-minute walk from The Hague Central Station (Den Haag Centraal).

Or take Tram 9 (direction Scheveningen Noord), which stops near the office. Please check online for current public transport information.

Parking: we have very few spaces available at the office. Please request a space ahead of your visit by giving us a call (+31 70 304 3700).