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What are you looking for?

Participate as a Dutch organisation in the incoming mission programme at Aquatech

We would like to hear about your interest so that we can further align your wishes with an overall programme. Let us know in which countries and regions you are interested, and what your theme suggestions for the round table session(s) are at Aquatech. 

Aquatech Amsterdam

Please fill in the form below to express your interest and you will be contacted shortly. Please note that the confirmation email of your registration may end up in your spam email box, so check your spam after registration.

After registration, we will update you on the missions, their participants, and the programme. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mirjam van Buchem at m.vanbuchem@nwp.nl

Please register by filling in this form.

I want to register for the incoming delegation programme
I want to register for the incoming delegation programme
Number of m2:
Did you develop a new technology or innovation? And, would you like to showcase it?
Billing Address
My organisation is a member of:
We might take photos and/or make video recordings during Aquatech. In case you do not want that photos or videos where you might in appear, will be used for communication purposes, you can send an email to events@nwp.nl.
General terms and conditions