Elemental Water Makers enable affordable safe water from the sea & sun by Awarded solar-powered desalination technology.
Already 4 billion people face a shortage of water. Because 97% of our water resources are salty, the key to access to more water lies in the sea. Desalination's nothing new but is expensive, fossil-fuel intensive & complex. Elemental Water Makers has developed the world’s 1st Efficient Plug & Play Desalination of Seawater by Solar.
The Dutch company is operational in over 15 countries and has received numerous awards, such as the Global Water Award of the Emir of Dubai. By unique energy recovery technology, the technology uses 70% less energy than conventional desalination technology and therefore requires 3x less solar panels. This major breakthrough enables an independent water supply for any coastal location.
Tap into the unlimited source of clean water for communities, resorts, industries, private properties, disaster relief & emergency response. On average, the savings on the water supply expenses are in the order of 50-70%.
Want to see the technology in action? Take the full tour here.
Join us in solving freshwater scarcity, using only the sea, sun, earth & wind.