30 October 2024Dutch organisations at the Netherlands Pavilion and various speaking engagements at IFAT India 2024 provided excellent opportunities for trade fair visitors to explore sustainable water and wastewater solutions to advance the Clean India Mission, a nationwide cleanliness campaign in India aimed at promoting sanitation and hygiene, and one of the key drivers for the growth of the water sector in the country.
IFAT India, the leading trade fair on water, sewage, solid waste and recycling in India, took place from 16 to 18 October in Mumbai. The opening day began with great energy, attracting a substantial number of attendees. This increase in numbers reflects India’s growing focus on addressing environmental challenges, particularly in the areas of water and wastewater management.
This year, IFAT India celebrated its eleventh event with nearly 500 exhibiting companies and six international pavilions, including a Netherlands Pavilion arranged by the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mumbai. Overall, there was a 15 percent increase in the number of international exhibitors.
India and the Netherlands share a rich history of collaboration in bilateral water management initiatives. After previous joint activities, collaborations and Memoranda of Understanding, a Strategic Water Partnership (SWP) was launched in 2021 between the two nations. The SWP aims to strengthen their cooperation in the field of water safety, water availability and water quality, and combine their resources, knowledge, and skills to address water related challenges. The SWP facilitates the collaboration with universities, civil society organisations and the private sector, contributing to global efforts in achieving the water related Sustainable Development Goals.
To optimise the participation of the Dutch water sector, this year the Netherlands Water Partnership supported the Dutch Consulate with a three-day programme that included stage events, onsite matchmaking, and a network reception.
The highlight of the Dutch programme was a panel discussion on ‘How the India-Netherlands collaboration is shaping sustainable water solutions’ moderated by Mirjam van Buchem of NWP. The session was held on the Blue Stage, which was dedicated to water management, and the Dutch speakers on stage were Peter A. Behnisch, Director of Bio Detection Systems; Rick te Lintelo, Sales Director at NX Filtration; and, Tom Postma, owner and founder of Technimex Water Management.
The session was designed to explore how Dutch and Indian companies could collaborate on water management projects, leveraging each other’s strengths to address local water issues; discuss the scalability of potential solutions and their flexibility in being adapted to the diverse geographical and socio-economic contexts in India; and, envision the future of water management in India, with the integration of innovative technologies and the role of international collaborations in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Reflecting on his recent experience at IFAT India, Postma said "While the theme of the Netherlands Pavilion at IFAT 2024 was focused on waste, I truly appreciated NWP's efforts to highlight the water aspect as well. The panel discussion with Dutch companies organised by NWP was well received, and Mirjam’s unique and enthusiastic presentation style contributed to this. I believe that NWP and its programme inspired the Dutch Consulate to engage more Dutch companies in the water sector for IFAT India 2025.”
In addition, on the occasion of the visit of the Dutch Trade Delegation in Waste Management, the Netherlands Innovation Mission on Biorefineries, Bioenergy & Biochemicals, and the Water AMR Mission to IFAT India, the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mr Nabil Taouati and NWP organised an informal network reception that enhanced cross-sectoral connections.
The Dutch programme at IFAT India 2024 showcased the power of Dutch innovative solutions and partnerships. The Netherlands is proud to have collaborated with the Dutch Consulate in Mumbai and the Embassy in New Delhi to facilitate greater cooperation on a more sustainable future.
While the theme of the Netherlands Pavilion at IFAT 2024 was focused on waste, I truly appreciated NWP's efforts to highlight the water aspect as well. The panel discussion with Dutch companies organised by NWP was well received, and Mirjam’s unique and enthusiastic presentation style contributed to this. I believe that NWP and its programme inspired the Dutch Consulate to engage more Dutch companies in the water sector for IFAT India 2025.
Tom Postma
Owner and founder of Technimex Water Management
Dutch organisations have a robust presence in the Indian market, particularly in the areas of water and industry, water and agriculture, and water and maritime. Each region of India has unique characteristics and offers opportunities for growth.
Mumbai, as the financial hub, presents significant business prospects, making it a prime location for collaboration and investment in these sectors. The diverse landscapes across India further enhance the potential for innovative solutions and partnerships.
If you are considering doing water related projects and/or would like to contact potential business partners in India, contact NWP. We have an extensive network and partners in India, so we may be able to connect you with key stakeholders and facilitate meaningful collaborations to help you successfully implement your water-related activities.