18 September 2019Hanneke Schuiling, Director General of Foreign Economic Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will head a trade mission to South Africa on 18-21 November 2019. The trade mission will visit the two most important metropolises in South Africa – Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Does your company offer solutions to water and food security, transport and/or logistics, or renewable energy? Then you could be part of the transition of South African cities into resilient cities. With sustainable energy, better logistics and drought prevention, they would be better equipped to deal with the challenges of the 21st century.
The #cocreateMYCITY Cape Town 2019 event, organised by the Dutch Embassy in Cape Town, is at the heart of the mission. The theme of #cocreateMYCITY Cape Town 2019 is Resilient Cities.
The trade mission is for Dutch companies with innovative solutions in:
EUR 950 per organisation including two participants. Additional participants are charged EUR 475 per person. They are requested to register separately.
Travel and accommodation for individual meetings are not covered. Travel in connection with the matchmaking programme is included. A travel agency has been asked to arrange the travel package.
Read more information on the mission (in Dutch). If you have any questions, please contact:
Or register right away. The last day of registration is 24 September 2019. Please note that registration does not automatically mean participation in the trade mission. RVO is reserving this mission exclusively for companies and knowledge institutions that fall within the parameters of the mission.We would particularly like to encourage female entrepreneurs to register for this trade mission.