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Royal Eijkelkamp reflects on two decades of productive collaboration

Fons Eijkelkamp, representing Royal Eijkelkamp, a proud member of the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) since 2004, reflects on two decades of productive collaboration. 

Fons Eijkelkamp
Arjan Braamskamp
Arjan Braamskamp
Head of Business Relations

The decision to join NWP, he recalls, was driven by Royal Eijkelkamp’s ambition to expand internationally. “The missions that NWP organised were an excellent tool for increasing our brand awareness and building a strong global network,” Eijkelkamp explains.

International missions helped secure new distributors

The international missions were particularly instrumental in helping the company secure new distributors. “It’s safe to say that some of these connections wouldn’t have been made without NWP,” Eijkelkamp adds. He highlights NWP’s neutrality in creating access to international governments and institutions, which has always been crucial in missions and trade shows. In addition, visits from delegations have opened doors to new business opportunities, and the market information contained in NWP’s reports has been invaluable.

“NWP’s neutrality in creating access to international governments and institutions has been crucial in missions and trade shows. In addition, visits from delegations have opened doors to new business opportunities, and the market information contained in NWP’s reports has been invaluable.’’

Fons Eijkelkamp

Member of the Supervisory Board of Royal Eijkelkamp

Huge demand for reliable data on both soil and water

Looking ahead, Eijkelkamp believes that the future of the water sector is closely tied to the connection between water and soil, especially as climate change intensifies resource scarcity. “There will be a huge demand for reliable data on both soil and water and for solutions,” he predicts. However, he emphasises that solutions can only be delivered by specialised consortia of companies and governments working together. “Collaboration is critical, and its importance will only grow,” he says.

As for NWP’s role in tackling future water challenges, Eijkelkamp sees it continuing to play a key role in initiating and facilitating innovation and partnerships between the private sector and governments. However, he also advocates for a more targeted approach, saying, “NWP needs to be bold in taking decisions and to focus on the right partnerships instead of trying to involve everyone.”

Strong potential for collaboration between Soil Valley and NWP 

In recent years, Royal Eijkelkamp has become a key participant in the Soil Valley Foundation, which implements practical policies related to water and soil. The Foundation is gaining greater recognition every month, and Eijkelkamp proudly mentions a significant project that was recently commissioned by the Groene Metropool and is linked to the PP2R initiative (Pathways to Resilience).

Given these developments, Eijkelkamp sees a strong potential for collaboration between Soil Valley and NWP and looks forward to exploring this partnership further.