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Photo of the map of Europe made of green grass

Three-quarters of the population of Europe live in urban areas and this number is increasing. Safeguarding the supply of fresh drinking water and the treatment of wastewater are therefore high on the agenda of many European cities. Also climate adaptation is an important topic.

Water challenges

Temperatures are increasing, and rainfall patterns are changing, generally making wet regions in Europe wetter, particularly in winter, and dry regions drier, particularly in summer.

Opportunities for the sector

This offers opportunities for the Dutch water sector, and Europe is specifically interesting for small and medium enterprises in the Dutch water sector.

Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) pro-actively works together with its large member network to seize opportunities that Europe offers like the European Green Deal and European subsidies for the implementation of EU directives.

Pathways of engagement

If your are interested in expanding your business within Europe and want to know more about the market opportunities within the different countries, get in contact with NWP. We are developing activities in the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany within the framework of the WTEX10 Accelerating Dutch Water Technology Export programme. We have a large European network to help you drive your water ambitions into the future.

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NWP's regional approach